Can deleted materials be recovered?

Please follow the steps below to recover a material deleted from from the Clip Studio Paint material palette.

Note: If you delete the original material, it cannot be recovered unless you have backed it up to the cloud or in the settings folder.

Default materials

Please follow the steps below to restore a material included in Clip Studio Paint by default.

1. Open Clip Studio.


Close Clip Studio Paint and open Clip Studio.


Tap the Clip Studio icon on the Command Bar.


Tap [≡] menu > [Return to Home].

2. On the upper right of the screen click [Settings] (gear mark) > [Maintenance Menu] > [Reset additional materials].

Ver. 3.0 or later

Ver. 2.0 or earlier

3. After the process finishes, open the Clip Studio Paint and check if the material has been restored.

Downloaded the material with Clip Studio ASSETS

Please follow the steps below to redownload the material from Clip Studio ASSETS.

1. Open Clip Studio and log in.

2. Select the [CLIP STUDIO ASSETS] from the menu on the left.

Ver. 3.0 or later

Ver. 2.0 or earlier

3. Click the user icon on the upper right of the Clip Studio ASSETS screen and select [My Downloads].

4. A list of previously downloaded materials will show. Click the Thumbnail, open the details screen, and select [Redownload].

Note: If the material is deleted from Clip Studio ASSETS, it cannot be re-downloaded.