Clip Studio Paint Frequently Asked Questions
Problems confirmed in Ver. 4.0 (Updated March 25, 2025)
Tablet/Smartphone: What should I do when “Memory usage is increasing.” displays?
How can I use the latest version of Clip Studio Paint? (Updated March 12, 2025)
How do I sign up for an Update Pass?
If you see an error message saying "This app version cannot be activated with your license (perpetual license)" upon launching
Ver.2 or later: How can I check my activation code for Clip Studio Paint?
Windows/macOS: How do I start using the app after purchasing the unlimited version of Ver.4.0?
Tell me about Clip Studio Paint Ver. 4.0 (Updated March 12, 2025)
Tablet/Smartphone: What are Studio Mode and Simple Mode?
How do I draw with symmetry?
How can I change the color of my line art?
How do I use the Stabilization function?
How can I draw shapes like circles and squares?
Is there a Liquify tool?
Where can I find special rulers and perspective rulers?
Does Clip Studio Paint have a timelapse function?
How do I add fonts I downloaded to Clip Studio Paint?
How do I import downloaded materials to Clip Studio Paint?
How can I create an animation with Clip Studio Paint?
Is there a backup function in Clip Studio Paint?
How do you restore Clip Studio Paint’s defaults?
Windows/macOS: Coordinates shift when drawing or pen pressure isn't detected
A delay occurs when drawing.
Windows/macOS: I can't start up Clip Studio Paint
How can I recover default tools that I accidentally deleted?
I can't draw lines
iPhone: What devices are compatible with Clip Studio Paint?
iPad/iPhone: How do I use Clip Studio Paint after I sign up for an annual/monthly plan?
iPad/iPhone: How do I change my monthly usage plan?
What should I do if my iPad or iPhone plan does not take effect?
[iPad/iPhone] How to restart CLIP STUDIO PAINT
How long can I use the Smartphone version of Clip Studio Paint?
iPad: What devices are compatible with Clip Studio Paint?
Is there a perpetual license for Clip Studio Paint for iPad/iPhone?
Can the serial number for a one-time purchase be used on iPad or iPhone?
[iPad/iPhone] How to restart CLIP STUDIO PAINT
iPad/iPhone: How do I use Clip Studio Paint after I sign up for an annual/monthly plan?
iPad/iPhone: How do I import brush files into Clip Studio Paint?
What should I do if my iPad or iPhone plan does not take effect?
Can you tell me more about the Android version of Clip Studio Paint?
Tablet: What tablets and pens support pressure sensitivity?
Can I use my Windows/macOS version serial number with my Android device?
Is there a perpetual license for Clip Studio Paint for Galaxy/Android?
Galaxy/Android: How do I use Clip Studio Paint after I sign up for an annual/monthly plan?
What should I do if my Galaxy or Android plan does not take effect?
Galaxy/Android: How do I restart Clip Studio Paint?
Clip Studio Paint for Galaxy Compatible Devices
Is there anything I should be aware of when using DeX mode with a Galaxy device?
Tablet: What tablets and pens support pressure sensitivity?
Can I use my Windows/macOS version serial number with my Galaxy device?
Galaxy/Android: How do I use Clip Studio Paint after I sign up for an annual/monthly plan?
What should I do if my Galaxy or Android plan does not take effect?
Galaxy/Android: How do I restart Clip Studio Paint?
Can you tell me more about the Chromebook version of Clip Studio Paint?
Can I use my one-time purchase serial number on my Chromebook?
Is there a perpetual license for Clip Studio Paint for Chromebook?
Chromebook: How do I use Clip Studio Paint after I sign up for an annual/monthly plan?
What should I do if my Chromebook plan does not take effect?