Windows: I want to copy my custom settings for Clip Studio Paint to another PC

You can manually copy the settings and material data customized in Clip Studio Paint folder by folder to another computer.

This page will guide you through the process of copying settings from one Windows device to another Windows device.

If you are using macOS, please refer to the following page.

Transferring settings from a Windows device to a macOS device or vice versa can cause problems.

If you want to transfer settings to a different OS, please refer to 3. Copy Your Settings to Different Devices and 6. How to Use the Manage materials screen from How to Use the Cloud Service.

Note: Please use the cloud service for the tablet, smartphone, and Chromebook versions.

How to use the cloud service

1. Backup the Clip Studio Paint user settings folder

Procedure 1

Make sure you have the CELSYS folder in the following location.

1.10.13 or later


Note: If you have updated from version 1.10.13 or earlier and have not moved the folder, please see the section for 1.10.12 or earlier.

Note: The AppData folder is a hidden folder. To make it visible, go to the View tab at the top of Explorer and check Hidden Files.

1.10.12 or earlier

Make sure you have the CELSYS folder in your Windows Documents folder.

Procedure 2

Close all Clip Studio applications and copy the CELSYS folder to a USB flash drive or external HDD.

Please make sure that the data capacity of the copied folder matches that of the folder in the source computer. If the data size does not match, the copy may be incomplete. In this case, please delete the folder you copied to the external HDD and copy it again.

If the storage location of a material has been changed

If you have changed the location of a material from Clip Studio's Location of Materials, copy the CLIPStudioCommon folder in addition to the CELSYS folder to a USB flash drive or an external HDD.

Ver. 3.0 or later

Ver. 2.0 or earlier

2. Install Clip Studio Paint on a new PC

If Clip Studio Paint is not yet installed on your new PC, follow this procedure.

If you have already installed the software, skip to 3. Copy backed-up user settings to a new PC.

Procedure 1

Click here to download and install Clip Studio Paint on your new PC.

Procedure 2

Check that Clip Studio and Clip Studio Paint can be started up properly.

Note: Your license will need to be activated when you start up Clip Studio Paint.

3. Copy backed-up user settings to a new PC

Procedure 1

Start the new PC.
Close all Clip Studio applications that are running.

Procedure 2

Move the CELSYS folder from its original location to the desktop.

C:/ Users/(username)/AppData/Roaming/CELSYSUserData/CELSYS

If you cannot find the CELSYSUserData folder, launch Clip Studio and Clip Studio Paint to create it. Once created, close both applications.

If you are using a version earlier than 1.10.13, move the CELSYS folder in the Documents folder to the desktop or another location.

Procedure 3

After oving the existing CELSYS folder, copy the settings folder from the USB flash drive or external HDD to the same location.

Be sure to replace the folder instead of overwriting it, as overwriting may cause settings to not be updated correctly. Move the original folder to another location as specified as in Procedure 2, and then copy the folder that you want to use.

Choosing the material’s storage location

After completing the above steps, copy the CLIPStudioCommon folder to the new computer in the same location as the original.


If you moved the original folder in the D drive to "A", create a folder called "A" on the destination D drive as well and copy the CLIPStudioCommon folder into it.

If your PC has a different drive configuration, follow the steps below.

1. Copy the Document and Material folders from the CLIPStudioCommon folder on your external drive to the CELSYS > CLIPStudioCommon folder on your PC.

2. Delete the Preference folder in CLIPStudioCommon folder on your PC.

4. Apply the user settings saved to the new PC

Procedure 1

Start up Clip Studio only.
Please wait for Clip Studio to load.

Procedure 2

Once loaded, click on the gear mark in the upper right corner > Maintenance Menu > Organize Material Datebase or Organize Materials and wait until the process is complete.

Ver. 3.0 or later

Ver. 2.0 or earlier

By doing the above, you can use Clip Studio Paint on your new PC with the settings of your old PC still intact.

Additional notes

If the virtual memory path destination is changed

If the Virtual memory path was changed via the Clip Studio Paint preferences on your previous PC, unexpected behavior may occur when the settings are transferred to the new PC.

In this case, perform the following steps after completing step 4. Apply saved user settings saved on your new PC.

1. Start Clip Studio Paint and open File menu > Preferences.

2. Select Performance, and change Virtual memory path to the default one.

3. Press OK to close Preferences.