Flipping the Canvas Display Horizontally

How to flip the display only

Flipping with the Navigator palette function.

The image is only temporarily flipped and can be returned to it’s original direction later.

Navigator palette function

This manages the view of the image shown in the canvas window. It allows you to adjust its display position, scale, and angle.

When turned on, the navigator palette horizontally reverses the display in the canvas window.

The Navigator palette function only affects the canvas display, and not the canvas itself.

Flipping the Canvas Itself

To flip the canvas horizontally, select [Edit] menu > [Rotate/Invert canvas] > [Flip Horizontal].

Use this option when you want to flip the canvas itself, and not just its display.

Unlike the Navigator palette function, this flips the canvas itself.
Works printed or exported will also be flipped.


● Text layers and 3D layers are converted to raster layers when the canvas is flipped or rotated.

● Brush patterns and spraying effects on vector layers may change upon flipping or rotating.

● Screentones may appear differently after flipping or rotating.