Windows/macOS: Can I use Clip Studio Paint on a computer without being connected to the Internet?

For information on using Clip Studio Paint offline, please see the following.

Ver.2.0 or later

With Ver. 2.0.3, the license authentication period has been adjusted on Windows and macOS versions to facilitate offline use. The app can be used offline for 15 days.

After updating, please start the application once it is online.

Ver. 1

If you have a separate device that can use the internet, you can use the perpetual version of Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1 on your computer while offline by following the instructions below.

If you are using the app before Ver.1.9.4, please check here because the procedure is different.

Note: If the message Please check your Internet connection appears, please also follow the steps on this page to authenticate your account.

How to install Clip Studio Paint Ver.1

To install the app on a computer that isn't connected to the Internet, follow the steps below.

1. Access the following page from your online computer and download the app.

2. Save the downloaded file to an external HDD or USB flash memory.

3. Copy the file saved in step 2 to your offline computer and run the installation.

Note: If you are using the package version, you can install the software from the disk, but we recommend that you download the latest version of the app from the page above.

How to authenticate your Clip Studio Paint Ver.1 license

Follow the steps below to authenticate by serial number.

1. Launch the installed app.

2. Start Clip Studio Paint by clicking PAINT from the upper left corner.

3. Click I already have a license / I have signed up for the free offer.

4. Select Click here if your device is not connected to the Internet.

5. Enter your Clip Studio Paint serial number and tap Activate.

6. Enter your Clip Studio Paint serial number and tap Start.

7. When the license confirmation dialog box appears, use your smartphone or another online device to access the URL listed in the dialog box.

Scan the QR code to access the page, and the page will display with the license authentication key entered.

8. On the displayed web page, enter the authentication key shown in the dialog box.

9. Enter the email address and password for your Clip Studio account, and press Activate.

10. A confirmation key will be issued.

11. Enter the issued confirmation key in the Clip Studio Paint dialog box, and then click Next.

If you enter your authentication key into the confirmation key field displayed at the top of the screen, you will be unable to authenticate it.
Follow the above procedure to issue and enter the confirmation key.

12. Once authentication is complete, Clip Studio Paint will start.

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