“Failed to uninstall Clip Studio Paint” error message shows on Windows
If you get the Failed to uninstall Clip Studio Paint error message on Windows, try troubleshooting with the following, according to the error code.
Error Code: -3
Please try the following if you got an Error Code: -3.
1. If Clip Studio Paint or Clip Studio is already launched, exit the program.
2. Download the Windows version installer from the Clip Studio website download page below.
For Ver.3.0
For Ver.2.0
3.After the installation is complete, you can start CLIP STUDIO PAINT by starting CLIP STUDIO and clicking Draw or PAINT.
If you wish to to use an earlier version of Clip Studio Paint, please follow the instructions here to downgrade.
Error Code: -900
Please try the following if you got an Error Code: -900.
1. Exit the application installer.
Even if the installer completion screen is shown, tap Done to quit.
2. Close both Clip Studio Paint and Clip Studio.
3. Run the installer again.
4.After the installation is complete, you can start CLIP STUDIO PAINT by starting CLIP STUDIO and clicking Draw or PAINT.
If the above does not launch Clip Studio Paint, please try restarting your computer and running the installer.
If the problem persists
If the problem persists after trying all of the above, please contact our support team.
Celsys User Support
・ E-mail: support@celsys.com
・ Please add “EN-FAQ-20230010” to the subject line.
Including the following information in your email will allow us to provide you with a more seamless support experience.
If you are not sure how to check, please provide as much information as you can.
- The version number of Clip Studio Paint installed on your system
- Does it happen in both Clip Studio and Clip Studio Paint?
- Are you logged in to the OS with an administrator user account?
- Security software name and version
- User Access Control settings