How can I find lost or deleted works on the cloud?

Go to the Cloud tab on the Manage works or Projects screen and check if the corresponding work is displayed.

If your work is listed, you can download it by following the steps below.

PC/Tablet: Download procedure

1. Open CLIP STUDIO and open the Projects or Manage works screen.

2. Go to the Cloud tab and press the New Download icon (blue cloud mark) for the work you want to download.

Ver. 3.0 or later

Ver. 2.0 or earlier


If the work has already been downloaded, the Overwrite download icon (red cloud mark) will be displayed.

When you press this mark, the cloud work will be overwritten and downloaded to the This device or In this app tab.

3. The work will be downloaded to the This device or In this app tab.

Smartphone: Download procedure

1. Open the Projects from the Home screen.

2. Go to the Cloud tab and press the New Download icon (blue cloud mark) for the work you want to download.


If the work has already been downloaded, the Overwrite download icon (red cloud mark) will be displayed.

Pressing this symbol will overwrite and download the Cloud works to the In this app tab.

3. The work will be downloaded to the In this app tab.

How to sync and back up your work

For more information about synchronizing and backing up your work, please see the following course.

If you are running out of cloud space, you can change your maximum cloud capacity depending on what plan you are subscribed to.
See here for more details.