I get an “Upload material for application settings” error

If an error occurs when running Upload material for application settings, follow the steps below according to which error message shows.

Please log into your Clip Studio account to sync with the cloud.

If you see this error message, log in to your Clip Studio account.

Ver. 3.0 or later

Ver. 2.0 or earlier

If you are already logged in, please log out and then log back in again.

Failed to load data./Failed to save.

If you see this error message, you will need to delete any materials that have errors and rebuild the materials database.

Start Clip Studio and tap the settings icon in the top-right corner. Then tap Maintenance Menu > Organize Material Datebase or Organize Materials.

Ver. 3.0 or later

Ver. 2.0 or earlier

Unable to find file. It may have been moved, deleted, or saved under a different name.

If you see this error message, check to see if any materials have errors, and delete them.

If there are any missing materials, start Clip Studio and tap the settings icon in the top-right corner. Then tap Maintenance Menu > Organize Materials.

Unable to completed all of synchronization, because the Cloud capacity is insufficient.

If you see this error message, you can free up space in the cloud by doing the following.

Open Manage works, Projects or Manage materials, select the Cloud tab, and delete any unnecessary works, materials, and app settings on the cloud.


Ver. 3.0 or later

Ver. 2.0 or earlier


Please check the connectivity of your device.

If you see this error message, check that your network is still connected and that security software isn’t bocking the connection.

Error messages
Failed to retrieve data from cloud. Please check the connectivity of your device.
Failed to register the file. Please check the connectivity of your device.
Temporary registration failed. Please check the connectivity of your device.
Failed to upload the file. Please check the connectivity of your device.
Failed to register data. Please check the connectivity of your device.

If the above does not improve the situation, please contact us here:


Celsys User Support

・ E-mail: support@celsys.com

・ Please add “EN-FAQ-20220055” to the email subject.

Including the following information in your email will allow us to provide you with a more seamless support experience.

・Your device’s operating system

・The version number of Clip Studio Paint installed on your system

・Date and time of last backup

・Date and time the error occurred.

・Screenshot of the entire error message

・Type of Internet connection used

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